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April 2022

Why Spring is Ideal for Maintenance

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Springtime is a happy time of year that brings many positive changes along with it. As the flowers begin to bloom and life starts anew again, so should your vehicle. After the hazards and issues of wintertime, our cars require some much-needed TLC by the time spring rolls around. We break down just why spring is the ideal time of year to perform necessary auto repair maintenance on your vehicle. As the weather warms, you’ll want to get ahead on ensuring that your car is fit to take on the roads and possible road trips, perhaps. Auto repair in Philadelphia, PA is a no-brainer when you come to us. Stop by today!

Spring is Time for Renewal

Since our vehicles tend to take a beating during the winter months, springtime is a great time to start fresh and give your car some TLC. The weather in winter is very hard on your car’s starter and alternator and your battery has to work that much harder to start up each time. We recommend testing your battery, starter, and alternator. Additionally, you’ll want to get your vehicle’s fluids topped off as well. This includes engine oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid, coolant, automatic transmission fluid, and much more. Doing all of these things will help bring to light any underlying issues with your vehicle, which is always a plus.

Clear Roads

With the worse of winter over with, people can now look forward to roads clear of snow and messy storms. Since the weather will soon become warmer, people will begin heading out in large numbers which means busier roads. Before the roads are all clogged up, be sure to look into getting a full assessment done of your vehicle’s health.

Nice Temperature

Not only do warmer temperatures mean more outings, sunshine, and fun but it also means that servicing your vehicle is much less of a hassle. There is little worse than having your vehicle serviced in unpleasant weather conditions, which is why spring is ideal in our book. Additionally, since winter can cause your vehicle’s fluids to run thick and hot weather can cause your engine to run hot, springtime is the ideal middle-ground for ensuring your vehicle is fit to take on the roads.

VacationAuto Repair in Philadelphia PA

When we think of spring, we think of more possibilities, yet our plans can be seriously hindered if the status of our vehicle is seriously compromised. To avoid any interruption to your plans for the spring and summer months, we recommend taking advantage of spring’s beautiful conditions and ensuring that everything with your car is in tip-top shape. Additionally, if you are someone who enjoys a good road trip, then you’ll definitely need to ensure the health of your vehicle before embarking out on the roads.

As the weather begins to warm, it’s important that we utilize this time and are proactive in maintaining the health and safety of our vehicles. Doing so will not only benefit your vehicle, but the safety of you, your family, and other people out on the roads as well. Spring makes it easy to get all of your car’s needs like brake repair and oils change completed with ease, so be sure to look into doing so as soon as possible! Auto repair in Philadelphia, PA is only a phone call away!

Spring Car Maintenance Tips

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As the weather begins to warm, it is only natural that people will begin spending more and more time outdoors and on the roads. Whether you’re planning a road trip or not, maintaining the health of our vehicles depending on the season is absolutely essential. Springtime is right around the corner, so we’ve decided to come up with spring maintenance service tips to ensure the health of your vehicle this season! Our list is so simple, that everyone, car expert or not, will be able to easily follow along and complete each task. If you need a Philadelphia auto repair, we are more than happy to assist you in any way that we can check these services!

Wash and Wax

Wintertime can wreak havoc on your vehicle, so it’s important to ensure that your car is washed and waxed thoroughly once the weather begins warming up. Be sure to get the underside of your vehicle as well! Additionally, applying some rust-proof to your vehicle can be an effective salt-busting shield!

Fluid Checks

Once springtime rolls around, you’ll want to do a check of your car’s fluids and replenish them as needed. Winter is known to not only wear on your car’s exterior but the interior as well. This is because in the winter your engine is forced to work harder than normal and due to this the resulting condensation and moisture build-up can create wear over time. If you notice that the fluid levels in your vehicle are low, this is usually because the fluid is leaking or being consumed by the engine. If you decide to change your car’s oil on your oil, remember that it is vital that you are using the correct oil based on your vehicle’s manufacturer.


If you switched over to winter tires in the winter months, it is now time for you to change them accordingly. If you used all-season tires, however, then you can easily extend the life by having them rotated regularly! Tire maintenance is very important to avoid unnecessary costs.

Windshield Wiper Blades

auto repairs in Philadelphia, PASince windshield wiper blades are made of rubber, this makes them especially susceptible to damage over time from winter’s cold temperatures and salt. Once winter is over and spring is beginning, you’ll want to do a thorough assessment of your wiper blades. If you notice that they are in bad shape, then the simple solution would be to replace them as soon as you can. Fortunately, replacing your wiper blades is an easy process, so you won’t have to worry about having to take your vehicle somewhere. Additionally, while checking your wiper blades it’s always good practice to also check your wiper fluid as well and replenish accordingly.


Similar to windshield wipers, the brakes in our vehicles can take a beating during the winter months as well. It’s always a good idea to routinely take your vehicle in somewhere to inspect the brake pads and drums. If you notice any grinding, cranking, or squealing noises when you utilize the brakes, this is usually a sign that they are in need of replacing.

Getting quality car repair in Philadelphia, PA has never been easier see our testimonials when you stop by and visit us!

Bad Car Thermostat Symptoms

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Owning a car, while they offer endless amounts of freedom, can also be the cause of many headaches in our life. Whether you liken yourself to be a car-guru or not, there are just some issues that can manage to elude us. Many drivers, not all, take their car’s thermostat function for granted and completely remain oblivious when it stops working. Fortunately, there are some symptoms your car will display to indicate that the thermostat is not functioning properly. Read on to learn more! Auto repair in Philadelphia, PA is what we do, so we hope you will stop in and speak with us about any questions or concerns you may have. We are always happy to help!

Abnormal Engine Temperature

One of the tell-tale signs of a malfunctioning or broken thermostat is either higher or lower than normal engine temperatures. Typically, when we start our vehicles, the engine will be cold and so the thermostat will remain in the closed position. As you go about driving the engine will begin to heat up and thus the needle of your engine temperature gauge will begin moving to the center position in order to open your thermostat. However, when things aren’t working properly your thermostat can get stuck. This can cause the needle to move either too fast or too slow and could even cause it to stop before reaching the midpoint. Additionally, if the thermostat is stuck closed this could quickly result in your car overheating. To test your thermostat, we suggest turning on your heating and checking whether or not warm air blows from the vents or whether the temperature gauge begins to move to where it’s supposed to be. If these tests fail, then it is time to take your car in for some further inspection and possible repairs.

Sudden Temperature Change

If you are running the heater or air conditioning in your vehicle and notice a sudden change in temperature this could be a cause for concern. We recommend adjusting the HVAC settings and if this does not fix the problem this may mean that your thermostat is not functioning properly.

Your Vehicle is Leaking

If coolant is leaking beneath your vehicle, this is yet another symptom.

Strange Noises

If your vehicle is making a rumbling, knocking, boiling, or gurgling noise this can also indicate an issue. Typically, these noises are coming from the vehicle’s engine or radiator.

How Does A Bad Thermostat Affect Your Car?

Whether your thermostat stays open or closed is bad news either way and can lead to serious issues. If yourAuto repairs in Philadelphia, PA thermostat stays closed, for example, this could cause your engine to overheat. An overheated engine will obviously lead to engine and cooling system damage. If your thermostat stays open, on the other hand, this will prevent your vehicle from reaching an ideal operating temperature. This issue could lead to an increase in fuel consumption as well as engine trouble.

Our auto repair in Philadelphia, PA is widely regarded by all who come in. We would be more than happy to assist you in any way that you need. Stop in for a chat!

What Do Different Exhaust Colors Mean?

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It’s a cold winter morning, you’re twenty minutes late for work, you start your car, loop around back to settle items into your trunk to only discover that your vehicle is puffing out black, blue, no is that white, smoke! Not a good sign in any instance, and certainly not something you want happening when running late for work. Below, we’ll break down the meanings behind each of these exhaust colors as well as what action you can take to get a handle on the situation. If you are in need of auto repair in Philadelphia, PA we guarantee expert attention to detail when handling and inspecting your vehicle. Contact us today for more information!

Black Smoke

Starting your vehicle only to find black smoke pouring out of the back definitely signals an issue worth your attention. When the smoke out of a car is black this is usually an indicator that your car is using too much gasoline to properly run the engine. Now, the source of this issue is most likely due to a clogged air filter. In fact, a clogged air filter prevents your car from producing its usual air-fuel mixture, which ultimately results in your car burning more gasoline to compensate for the lack of air. This is a big nuisance and one that seriously affects your vehicle’s fuel efficiency, so you’ll want to get a handle on this quickly!

Blue Smoke

No this is not a gender reveal, blue smoke emanating from your car signifies a serious issue! Typically, this means that oil has leaked into your engine as a result of improperly lubricated engine parts. These engine parts are then susceptible to serious wear and tear and if left unaddressed this could result in your engine seizing. Unfortunately, if your engine seizes on you then you must either get your engine replaced or rebuilt. Additionally, blue smoke can sometimes be accompanied by an unpleasant burning smell.

Gray Smoke

Similar to blue smoke, gray smoke is also an indicator that excess oil is burning in your engine. Usually, this is also a sign that your car’s PCV valve is defective. The PCV valve is responsible for controlling your car’s emissions and sometimes this part can wear out over time and lead to gray smoke from the exhaust. Fortunately, PCV valve replacement is a lot easier than other repairs out there.

White Smoke

Seeing white smoke coming from your car’s tailpipe? White smoke is usually due to a cooling system repairs in Philadelphia, PA When this system begins to leak it causes coolant to reach your vehicle’s engine where it is then burned up. If the cooling system is leaking this could quickly lead to an overheated car and as a result a blown gasket.

All in all, if your car is emanating large amounts of any colored smoke, we highly suggest making your way over to your closest mechanic for an inspection. We offer auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, and look forward to working with you! Stop in today!

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