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Auto Maintenance

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Tires and Wheels

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Choosing the right tires and wheels for your vehicle is crucial for safety and performance. As automobile enthusiasts and experts in auto services in Philadelphia, PA, we understand the importance of making informed decisions. Your choices can significantly impact your vehicle’s handling, comfort, and fuel efficiency. With the myriad of options available in the market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, focusing on critical factors can simplify this process. This article will cover everything you need to consider for making the best choice. Read on to ensure you have the necessary information before purchasing. 

Understanding Tire Types and Their Uses 

When choosing the right tires for your vehicle, understanding the different types and their uses is essential. There are several categories of tires, each designed for specific driving conditions and purposes. All-season tires are the most versatile, offering a balanced performance in various weather conditions, making them a popular choice for daily commuting. Winter tires enhance traction and safety for those driving in snowy or icy conditions. On the other hand, high-performance tires are designed for sports cars and offer superior grip and handling at high speeds. Lastly, all-terrain tires are ideal for off-road adventures, providing durability and traction on unpaved surfaces. Knowing the specific needs of your driving habits will help you choose the most suitable tire type. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Wheels

Choosing the right wheels is just as important as selecting the appropriate tires. The first factor to consider is the wheel size, as it directly affects your vehicle’s performance and handling. Larger wheels often enhance aesthetics and provide better cornering capabilities but may result in a stiffer ride. Another critical aspect is the material of the wheels. Alloy wheels are famous for their lightweight and improved performance. 

In contrast, steel wheels are known for their durability and cost-effectiveness. Additionally, it’s crucial to consider the wheel’s bolt pattern to ensure compatibility with your vehicle. Offset and backspacing are other technical specifications that can affect the fit and function of the wheels. Considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that enhances your vehicle’s look and performance. 

Ensuring a Perfect Match for Safety and Performance 

Ensuring a perfect match between your tires and wheels is crucial for safety and performance. One of the first steps is to check the compatibility of the tire and wheel sizes to ensure they fit well together without causing any issues. The tire’s load and speed ratings must align with your vehicle’s specifications to ensure optimum performance and safety. Additionally, consider the driving you typically engage in—highway cruising or off-road adventures—as this will influence the best tire and wheel combination for your needs. Proper alignment and balancing are also essential to prevent uneven tire wear and to maintain smooth driving. Always consult your vehicle’s manual or a trusted automotive expert to ensure you make the most suitable car choices. 

In conclusion, selecting the right tires and wheels involves understanding their types, considering crucial factors, and ensuring a perfect match for enhanced safety and performance. These steps can optimize your vehicle’s performance and enjoy a smoother, safer ride. For expert advice and quality service, Schafer’s Auto Center is here to assist you with all your automotive needs. If you’re seeking top-notch auto services in Philadelphia, PA, call us today for more information or to schedule an appointment. 

Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop

Revving Up Performance: The Guide to Regular Auto Tune-Ups

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In today’s fast-paced world, your vehicle is more than just a means of transportation; it’s a vital part of your daily life. Ensuring its optimum performance is crucial for reliability, safety, and efficiency. That’s where the significance of regular auto tune-ups comes into play. At our Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop, we’ve seen firsthand how routine maintenance can make a world of difference in your vehicle’s operation and longevity.

The Heartbeat of Your Vehicle

Think of a tune-up as a health check for your car. Just as regular check-ups can catch potential health issues before they become serious, tune-ups can identify and rectify minor problems before they escalate into major repairs. These routine checks are pivotal in keeping your vehicle running smoothly, ensuring everything from the engine to the exhaust system functions as efficiently as possible.

Maximizing Efficiency and Performance

One of the primary benefits of regular tune-ups is the notable improvement in fuel efficiency. With gas prices constantly fluctuating, maximizing your vehicle’s miles per gallon is more important than ever. A well-tuned engine operates at peak efficiency, consuming less fuel and saving you money in the long run.

Ensuring Reliability and Safety

Your family’s safety is paramount, and a well-maintained vehicle is significantly less likely to encounter unexpected issues on the road. Regular tune-ups can help prevent roadside emergencies by ensuring vital components like brakes, tires, and steering systems are in top condition. Peace of mind comes from knowing your vehicle is as safe and reliable as it can be.

Extending Vehicle Longevity

Investing in regular maintenance can extend the life of your vehicle, keeping it on the road for years to come. By addressing wear and tear proactively, you can avoid the need for more extensive—and expensive—repairs down the line. This not only saves you money but also contributes to a lower environmental impact by reducing the need for new vehicle production.

Customized Care for Your Vehicle

At our shop, we understand that every vehicle is unique. That’s why our ASE-certified technicians tailor tune-ups to the specific needs of your car or light truck. Whether it’s adjusting the engine, replacing spark plugs, or updating software, our team has the expertise to enhance your vehicle’s performance.

Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop

Stay Ahead with Preventive Maintenance

We encourage vehicle owners to stay proactive with their vehicle’s maintenance. Regular tune-ups are a key component of preventive care, helping you avoid unexpected problems and ensuring your vehicle remains a reliable companion for all your journeys. Our Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop is here to support you with expert advice and service.

In conclusion, the benefits of regular auto tune-ups cannot be overstated. From improving efficiency and performance to ensuring safety and extending vehicle life, the value added to your driving experience is immense. Remember, maintaining your vehicle is not just about keeping it running; it’s about keeping it running well.

If you’re looking to keep your vehicle in top condition, don’t wait for signs of trouble. Give us a call for more information on how our services can benefit you. Let’s ensure your vehicle continues to serve you reliably on every road ahead.

auto repair in Philadelphia, PA

Is Your Check Engine Light On?

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You likely rely on your vehicle to get you places on a daily basis. You might take its health for granted…until something goes wrong. When you see that check engine light go on and you think you might need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, you groan. Keep in mind that cars are more powerful, get better gas mileage, and have better technology now than every before. That also means that your car is more complicated than past cars were. Computer systems are faster and more accurate within your vehicle. Parts, just like on anything else, can wear out. Your car is trying to let you know that something is going wrong within it when the check engine light comes on, even if it feels like it is driving just fine. Continuing on with your week and ignoring that light isn’t a good idea.

It’s never recommended to drive with a check engine light on or flashing. You don’t know if it’s a malfunction within the light, a fluke, or if something’s really wrong. If you’re not a car expert, you won’t know until you have someone look at it. It’s in your best interest to make an appointment as soon as possible to have the issue, whatever it might be, diagnosed and repaired.

Take a look at your owner’s manual to see what possibilities there are for the check engine light to be on. Some vehicles can turn on that light if, for example, the gas cap is loose or hasn’t been fully clicked into place. You certainly don’t want to waste time (and possibly money on diagnostics) for something you could fix so easily yourself. Before you run to professionals, check the little things of that nature and once you’re sure that’s not helping, you definitely need to get help.

Before something goes really wrong, that check engine light will warn you. Ignoring it means you’re getting closer and closer to something going really wrong. Ignoring the light is like playing with time. You know something could go wrong at any minute and the more you drive your vehicle, the closer you are to that minute.

The professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center take pride in auto repair in Philadelphia, PA of any kind. When you need an oil change (which is one reason the check engine light might go on, by the way) or if you need new tires, we’re here for you. If you have a check engine light or another warning on your dash, we can diagnose and fix that for you as well. Give us a call at (215) 755-1270, tell us what’s going on with your vehicle and when you’d like to bring it to us for repairs or maintenance. Then, stop by our shop at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148 and we’ll give you the fastest service possible so you can go about your day with a safe vehicle back in working order without any more warning lights on.

auto repair Philadelphia

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Vacation?

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Once you finally get to summer, you can take some time off from work and school and enjoy a family vacation. That vacation won’t be stress-free if you break down in the middle of nowhere without a recourse for a vehicle. Instead of allowing that possibility, get auto repair in Philadelphia, PA before you leave and make sure your car is ready for the trip. Here are a few things it should include:

An Oil Change

Oil changes are one of those regular things that your car just must have. It’s a good idea to do one right before you leave so you don’t get stuck somewhere, needing one and not having the time for it. Try to time it so you will need one just before you take off, so your oil is fresh and ready to go.

Coolant Check

Your vehicle will be working extra hard on the long trip and in the summer heat. You don’t want it to overheat because you don’t have enough coolant. If you can’t remember when the coolant was changed out or added to, it’s probably time. Have the technicians check the levels and go from there.

Battery Test

Summer can be even harder on a battery than winter and you will want to make sure your battery is strong and in good working order. You don’t want to have it die on you when you’re getting gas somewhere and there’s no place around to get a new one. If it doesn’t test well, it’s easy enough to get a new one before you leave on your trip.

Check Over The AC

Air conditioning has a way of stopping its job at the worst of times. You’ll want to make sure that isn’t when your family is sweating on the trip to the desert, right? Have a technician check over the AC and make sure it has enough Freon and other elements to get everything in perfect working order before you end up with bad results at an inconvenient time.

Tire Inspection

You want to make sure the tread on your tires is at a good level before a big vacation. They should also be rotated and inflated to the right level for the best gas mileage for the trip.

These are a few things you will want to do in terms of maintenance and auto repair in Philadelphia, PA before you take that family vacation and have an issue down the road. The professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center are here to help with any kind of inspection or tune-up you want. Call us at (215) 755-1270 and set up an appointment or ask questions you have about what you need to do before you leave. You can also stop by and see us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148. At SAR, we’re here to help your vehicle run effectively and efficiently every season of the year, no matter what kind of road trip you want to take with your family.

Philadelphia auto repair

Futuristic Car Details On The Horizon

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If you already feel like you are way behind on understanding Philadelphia auto repair and the intricacies it includes, you might be overwhelmed to hear about the even more futuristic car features that are on the horizon. Cars are operated largely by computers today and there are even more futuristic features coming to fruition. Here are a few to think about and watch for as they start to appear in vehicles on the dealership lots.

Dashboards-Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality, or AR will function kind of like in the movies. You’ve probably seen films where a robot would look at a person and access information about them on a screen nearby automatically. Consider that as a driver. Critical information will pop up on the windshield before their eyes to enhance the driver’s senses and safety. If you are approaching another vehicle too fast, for example, the AR display will pop up with arrows that show you how to maneuver around the car and avoid an accident. It will also tell you the safest lane to take to keep you out of harms way and it can notify drivers when their eyes are off the road. These safety measures could help keep drivers alert and even safer.

Communicating Vehicles

Vehicle to vehicle communication, or V2V doesn’t mean your car is going to talk up another car in the parking lot and delay your getaway. Rather, it allows drivers to overcome some of the human mistakes they make as they traverse the roads. You may not see a vehicle that’s about to run a red light approaching you, but soon, your vehicle might be able to. Vehicles transmit wireless signals about their locations, directions, and speeds. That signal is received by surrounding vehicles with the same technology and helps calculate safe driving distances. This technology could lead to smoother journeys for a number of drivers.

Self-Driving Cars

This technology has gotten the most attention and press, but wouldn’t it be nice to have? Many drivers spend hours commuting to and from work every week and allowing a car to do that drive for you would give you some time to relax, read, work, or do any number of other things. Self-driving cars have to rely on lasers, cameras, radar, and other items to process information about the surroundings. The technology has yet to be perfected, but it’s on the to-do list for many companies.

These are just a few of the things that Philadelphia auto repair shops may have to implement into their repair options, along with oil changes, brake repairs, new tires and so on. For now, if you need any type of repair or maintenance on your vehicle, contact Schafer’s Auto Center and in the future, we’ll work together to advance to new levels. Give us a call for an appointment at (215) 755-1270. Or stop into the SAR shop at1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148 and see how we operate. We’re here to keep the technology that your vehicle features today in good standing.


auto repair shop in Philadelphia, PA

Finding An Auto Repair Shop That Makes You Comfortable

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There are some people who know a lot about cars and feel comfortable visiting just about any auto repair shop in Philadelphia, PA. They know their vehicle well and all of the terminology that goes along with it. They can easily tell when someone is trying to pull something over on them. Good for them! However, not all of us were born with that knowledge, or even understand it if we try to learn. For the other type of people in this world, approaching an auto repair shop can be nerve-wracking. You need to be able to find an auto repair shop that makes you comfortable. Here are some tips to help you do just that.    

Tip 1: Make Some Calls With Questions  

Before you need an auto repair shop for maintenance or a repair, call around to some of the local shops and get a feel for how they treat customers. If they answer the phone in a gruff manner and don’t seem to have time for your questions, you won’t be comfortable with them in person, either. On the other hand, if they are polite, courteous, and answer your questions with ease, you might want to give them a shot.    

Tip 2: Check Out The Shop  

Chances are, when you’re getting an oil change or another repair, you’re going to have to utilize an auto repair shop waiting room. It’s nice to know what you’re getting into. Visit a few shops you’re considering just to see their operation. If they have a decent waiting room, you know you could sit in comfort with a book or bring your laptop to utilize the free Wi-Fi. The actual auto shop portion is likely to have dirt—they do work on cars, after all—but it should look organized and well maintained at the same time.    

Tip 3: Ask Friends Like You  

They say it takes one to know one, right? If you don’t know a lot about cars, you can recognize other people that are in the same boat. Surely you have a family member, friend, or co-worker who doesn’t have a clue or even particularly a desire to know a lot about cars. Ask them what auto repair shop they use. If their shop treats them right and works with them in an effective, efficient, and honest manner, you’ll feel a lot more comfortable trusting them yourself.    

At Schafer’s Auto Center, we understand that not everyone is an expert on cars and that’s okay. We have enough knowledge to cover your interests. When you need a Philadelphia, PA auto repair shop, we invite you to check us out. You can call our friendly representatives at (215) 755-1270 to ask questions or set up an appointment. You can also visit us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148. We’re honest, hard-working folks here at SAR and we won’t tell you to do something on your vehicle unless it’s something we’d do to our own car.  


oil change in Philadelphia, PA

What Kind Of Oil Do You Need In An Oil Change?

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Did you know there are choices for the oil you put in your car? Just like anything else, there’s a variety of options out there and when you get your next Philadelphia, PA oil change, you can request a certain type of oil. If you don’t say anything, the technician will probably use the oil that the manufacturer recommends and that’s usually best for your vehicle. But you do have a say in the situation so it’s important to know the difference in the different types of oil you can have in your vehicle.  

Consider Viscosity 

Viscosity is how thick the oil is and how well it retains its properties at various temperatures. Synthetic oil is superior in this case because conventional oils will thicken when the weather gets cold and get thinner when it’s hot. Viscosity in synthetic oils is more uniform. Some new models might run better on lower-viscosity oil and the rating is expressed numerically. The lower the number, the thinner the oil. Many vehicles are designed to work at various levels.  

Premium Conventional Oil 

Most vehicles run just fine on premium conventional oil, which does a good job at protecting the engine from overheating and from everyday wear. There are additive packages available for different vehicles, but as long as you stick to a regular oil change schedule, conventional oil is usually a good option for most vehicles.  

High Mileage Oil 

Vehicles are lasting longer today, especially with good maintenance habits, and high mileage oil is formed to stop leaks and swell gaskets around valve corners that might have cracked over their years of use. There are better viscosity properties in high mileage oil, which can help things stay quieter and provide better protection for parts that might be loosening up a bit due to age and wear.  

Synthetic Blend 

This synthetic blend splits the difference between synthetic oil and conventional oil. Synthetic blends are better for SUVs and trucks and while they aren’t as costly as full synthetic, they do cost more than conventional oil. If your vehicle hauls heavy loads, this is something to consider.  

Full Synthetic 

This oil outperforms conventional oil in every way and is purer and more stable as well as more uniform. The viscosity properties are better, and this oil is factory-recommended for most new vehicles to protect and seal items within the engine. They are, however, also more costly, but they also last longer and don’t have to be changed out as often.  

If you want to know more about what you need for your next Philadelphia, PA oil change, check your owner’s manual or ask your technician for details on what’s best for your vehicle. Contact Schafer’s Auto Center the next time you need an oil change at (215) 755-1270. SAR is here to recommend the right oil for your vehicle to make it run the best for as long as possible. We’re located at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148.  

auto repair in Philadelphia, PA

Questions To Ask Auto Mechanics—Have No Fear

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If you don’t know a lot about cars, you might feel a bit mystified about what goes on under the hood. Your Philadelphia, PA auto mechanic might feel a little intimidating to you. But they shouldn’t. Your auto mechanic is someone who has specialized training in cars. They don’t know about your line of work just like you don’t know about theirs and that’s okay. It takes all sorts of people to make the world work the way it does. If you have questions for your auto mechanic, ask them. Don’t have any fear about asking something they think is obvious. They’ll understand that you’re not an expert, just as they aren’t an expert in your field. Here are a few questions to ask your auto mechanic before you take your vehicle in.  

What Types Of Vehicles Does Your Shop Work On? 

Some shops take any and every type of vehicle while others might specialize in high-end cars like BMWs and other certain makes. Certain cars take specialized tools and proper training while others are more run of the mill. If you find a shop that accepts your type of vehicle, you’re in luck and can take it to them for service. If they don’t work on your type of car, you can ask for recommendations for a shop nearby that does.  

What Kind Of Equipment Do You Have In The Shop? 

Every time a car manufacturer comes out with a new vehicle, there are new systems that go with it. These systems are getting more and more sophisticated and many take updated equipment and diagnostics for repair. Your auto mechanic should have the latest technology so it’s worth you asking what they do have. You want your car to have the best repairs and diagnostics and you’ll never know what it’s getting unless you ask.  

What Type Of Replacement Parts Do You Use? 

Not every replacement part is the same and there are generic brands and plenty of options, just as there are in every other facet of the car industry. You often get what you pay for in this region and if you get factory-quality parts, your car will operate better. You have the right to ask where the replacement part comes from and whether or not the brand is recommended by the car’s manufacturer. It’s your car—you get to say what goes on it.  

There are plenty of other questions you can ask a Philadelphia, PA auto mechanic, but be clear about one thing—you should have no fears about asking. If your auto mechanic makes you feel bad about anything you ask, it’s time to look for a new mechanic. The professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center are here to answer your questions, no matter what they might be regarding. Give us a call at (215) 755-1270 or stop by and see us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148. We’re honest and we understand not everyone knows auto mechanics like we do. We’re here for you when you need us. 

oil change in Philadelphia, PA

Don’t Get Oil Changes Too Often In Philadelphia, PA

By | Auto Maintenance, Auto Service | No Comments

If there’s one thing you know about your vehicle, it’s likely that it needs a Philadelphia, PA oil change at a certain interval. It used to be that people would try to come in every 3,000 miles to get the oil on their vehicles changed, but as technology changes, so do vehicle needs. While you may know the benefits of getting your oil changed when it is necessary, have you heard reasons not to change the oil too often? Here are a few to consider:  

Philadelphia, PA oil changeYou’re Wasting Money 

If there’s anything you can do to put more money into your budget without wasting anything, you’d like to do it, right? When you get your oil changed before it needs to be done, you’re wasting money. You have “oil to burn,” so to speak and getting the oil change done before you need it start burning new oil when you had old oil left to burn. No one wants to waste money on car maintenance unless it’s necessary.  

You’re Not Guaranteeing Anything 

Some drivers use oil changes as somewhat of a cheap insurance on their vehicles. If they change the oil often, nothing else will go wrong on the car, right? No, that’s not right at all. You can ensure that your oil is in good condition and that helps a number of things, including the engine, but it doesn’t ensure that everything is lined up perfectly all the time. All it really does is spend your money. Things might still break down later.  

Other Things Could Be “Found” 

Have you ever gone to a quick service oil change place only to learn that the mechanic thinks you also need new filters, new brakes, or any number of other things? Getting your oil changed too often won’t hurt your vehicle, but if you visit the wrong place, it could hurt your pocketbook even more with unnecessary fixes.  

If you really want to know how often you need an oil change, it is best to consult your owner’s manual. If you don’t want to look into anything car-related, ask a trusted mechanic for an estimate. Most vehicles are good today until about 5,000 miles. While you don’t want to get an oil change too soon, you also don’t want to go in too late. Finding the perfect balance spends your money in the appropriate way and gets the most out of the oil you have placed in your vehicle.   

Are you ready for an oil change? Do you need help finding a good balance on mileage between the oil changes? Contact the experts at Schafer’s Auto Center by calling (215) 755-1270 for an appointment. We’re here to help you get the oil changes you need—when you need them. We never tell you something needs to be done on your vehicle unless it is absolutely necessary. Visit us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148 for your next Philadelphia, PA oil change. 


Philadelphia, PA auto mechanic

Auto Mechanic Tips For Lower Gas Mileage

By | Auto Maintenance, Auto Repair, Auto Service | No Comments

There are a lot of things you think about when you purchase a vehicle. You need something big enough to accommodate your family, but you also need something within your budget. Budget goes a lot farther than just the initial sticker price. Your Philadelphia, PA auto mechanic will tell you that gas mileage is another very important element of price on a vehicle long-term. There are plenty of things to do to keep the gas mileage as low as possible.  

auto mechanic in Philadelphia, PACheck The Tires 

Every tire has a certain level of air pressure that is good for that tire. If you don’t know what that is for your tire, ask your auto mechanic or check on the tire. Learn how to check the tire pressure or ask someone to show you so you can pull into a gas station and make sure the tire pressure is good every now and then. If it’s off, fill or let out some air. The tire pressure helps you get good gas mileage when it is at the right level. Plus, it will help the tires last longer.  

Driving Right 

You use a lot of gas by starting and stopping your vehicle. If you want to save as much as you can on gas mileage, it is a good idea to accelerate and stop gradually. Instead of slamming on the breaks, make it a habit to slow down earlier. Don’t slam down the accelerator, either, even if you are late. This will add up over time and the wear and tear on your car will be lessened as well.  

Visit Your Auto Mechanic 

You want your gas mileage to be as good as possible so visit your auto mechanic for oil changes, regular maintenance, and repairs. Visiting the auto mechanic costs money, but you’ll save quite a bit in gas as you take care of your vehicle. Your auto mechanic will also have tips and tricks for you to follow to get the best gas mileage possible.  

Follow The Book 

Every vehicle comes with an owner’s manual and if you follow what the vehicle needs in that manual, you will get better gas mileage. That means spacing your oil changes out just right and getting other maintenance done at the right time. This manual is in place for a reason—use it.  

If you want more tips on getting good gas mileage, ask the professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center by calling (215) 755-1270 with your questions or to make an appointment. We’re here to help your car stay in the best possible shape for as many years as possible. Visit us at our shop at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148 as well. We will help you with your gas mileage, minor or major repairs, or any question you have. The experts at SAR want to help you with any car-related issue and gas mileage is one that will affect your life greatly. 

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