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May 2017

Why is a Smog Check a Good Idea?

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There are a lot of things you automatically do for your vehicle when you live in Philadelphia. You put gas in it when you are running low, for example. You take it in for an oil change when you have driven a certain number of miles. Hopefully, you get regular check ups and tune ups as well. But why do you need a smog check? Is that really a worthwhile item? Yes, it is! And here’s why.

-You help the environment

You may not think that a simple smog check is really doing all that much for the environment, but when you think about all of the vehicles running throughout Philadelphia combines, it makes a huge difference. Since every car has to meet certain standards, it really adds up to an environmental aid. If you skip your smog check and so does the guy down the street and the one on the other side of the city, the environment will pay the price.

-It ensures your vehicle is running smoothly

When you get a smog check, the technicians go over many areas of your car. Sure, they want to see that it isn’t putting out too many toxins, but if it is, there is a reason. Your car may not be running efficiently if it is putting too much out into the air. Fixing the issues cannot only lower your pollutants, but it can also save you money on gas and other items in the long run.

-It’s the law

Pennsylvania has put a law into effect that says you need to have smog checks. If you don’t have the checks at the proper times, you are essentially breaking the law. If you want to keep your record and your driving privileges intact, you need to have the checks as necessary.

When you know it’s time for a smog check, where do you go? Philadelphia has a lot of shops to offer! First, you want to make sure the state has certified the shop you choose for the checks. IF the state hasn’t sanctioned the shop, it won’t recognize the results. The easiest thing you can do is simply call Schafer’s Auto Center at 215-755-1270 to make your appointment. The state says that we’re qualified to do the Philadelphia , PA smog check and we can take care of oil changes or other maintenance and repairs at the same time. We’re conveniently located on one of the busiest streets in the city. You’ll see us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148. We’ve been in business since 1964 so you know since we’re still around, we know what we’re doing. With thousands of customers in our past, we have plenty of references to share so you’ll understand we can fix anything and everything on any car or light truck. Since we’re local, you can also take comfort in the fact that our employees are members of the community, living and working among you just like any other neighbor!

Reasons to Take Your Vehicle to an Auto Shop

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Why Be A Responsible Driver?

When you purchase a vehicle, you know as a vehicle owner that it comes with a lot of responsibilities. Not only do you have to pay for the car upfront, but you have to go to inspection stations to maintain it, insure it, and take care of any repairs that pop up along the way. When it comes to taking your vehicle into an auto shop, of course, you’d rather not. But there are many instances in which it is the right decision. Here are just a few.

-Do You Maintain Your Vehicle Maintenance?

It is important to maintain your vehicle based on the maintenance schedule outlined by the manufacturer. This schedule is put into place for a reason…because it is what’s best for the vehicle. While you may like to go longer between oil changes and other recommended maintenance, if you want your vehicle to run well for as long as possible, you’ll start taking it in when necessary. Of course, you’ll be the one to choose what motor oil you choose like either conventional oil or synthetic blend

-How Often Do You Do Your State Inspection?

You are required by law to have a Philadelphia, PA state inspection, if your car is due to have one, you need to get to an auto shop. If you fail to make it in for an inspection, you are no longer legally driving and it can be considered that you are abusing your freedom of information. It is very important to follow the laws in order to protect your driving privileges that is why you have to adhere immediately to inspection procedures.

-Do You Fix Immediately A Minor Broken In Your Vehicle?

Of course, anytime something goes wrong with your vehicle, you need to take it in so you can get things working as quickly as possible because no one likes expensive repairs. You use your car a lot and you need it to be reliable. If you’re hearing sounds or your car isn’t acting the way it should or normally does, take it in sooner rather than later. The sooner you get the car in, the easier the issues are to fix. If you let it go, things can get worse and you can end up stranded.

-Can You Save Money From Visiting An Auto Shop Regularly?

That’s right, visiting an auto shop on a regular basis for tune-ups and maintenance can actually save you money. The technicians know the signs of trouble ahead and they can recognize and fix little issues that can become big problems later. If you want your vehicle in working order and you don’t want to pay any more than you have to, visiting an auto shop often is really best.

If you are ready for any of the above visits, contact Schafer’s Auto Center to make an appointment at 215-755-1270. We’re located at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148. We’re a family owned and operated business that has been serving the area since 1964. We treat our customers like friends and neighbors because that’s exactly what you are. Our employees live and work among you and we want you to understand that you can trust us as honest, hard working, local people who care about your car needs. We can fix everything on cars or light trucks and we’re ready whenever you are!

FAQ About Philadelphia Vehicle Inspection Processes

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When you live in Philadelphia, you are required by law to do a number of things. You have to pay certain taxes, follow state regulations, and have a Philadelphia vehicle inspection. Whether you’ve had the inspection before or not, you might have questions about the process. What are they looking for? Where can you get a Philadelphia vehicle inspection? And so on. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions to help you navigate the process.

What is an Onboard diagnostic system?

OBD is part of the emissions inspection that is comprised of a computer that has diagnostic software and a variety of sensors. This monitor looks at the ignition performance and fuel metering of the emissions system. IT will include sensors and make sure the vehicle is working as designed. It can even identify problems before the driver recognizes any symptoms. To perform the OBD, a certified technician will connect the computer to a data link connector and download information to a computer so see how well the emission system is working on the vehicle.

What is a tailpipe test?

This test uses a tailpipe probe to collect exhaust samples and analyze the pollutants from the tailpipe while the engine is idling. The technician will look at the exhaust information to see if the vehicle is emitting more pollutants that necessary for its model year.

What is a gas cap test?

This functional check tests whether or not harmful fumes are coming out of the gas tank and getting into the atmosphere. The technician will remove the gas cap and insert a device that applies pressure to the gas cap. The test shows whether or not the cap can hold pressure without emitting fumes.

Where can I get the necessary tests?

In order to get tests that will be recognized by the state, you need to go to an auto center that is certified by the state to run the tests. Otherwise, you are wasting time and money on something the state won’t accept. Visit Schafer’s Auto Center and take advantage of our certified technicians for your Philadelphia vehicle inspection.

In addition to required inspections, we run an 80-point inspection free anytime you visit our shop. We like to ensure that every vehicle we see is running as efficiently and effectively as possible. We take pride in maintaining your vehicle so you have less unexpected repairs. In fact, we can often predict when something will go wrong and fix the issue in advance so it doesn’t become a larger problem later.

Call Schafer’s Auto Center today to schedule an inspection at 215-755-1270. We know auto maintenance and repair can be a hassle so we’ve made it as convenient as possible for you. Our shop is located at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148, on one of the busiest, easiest to find streets in the city. We can also conduct any maintenance or repair needs your vehicle or light truck has including oil changes, tire rotations, brake repair and plenty of other services.

What Happens if You Ignore Your Brakes? What happens if brake pads wear out?

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Do you really need to check your braking system?

Your braking systems aren’t something you think about on a daily basis, even though you use them every time you want to slow your vehicle. You take your brakes for granted. When you press down on the brake pedals, your vehicle should slow and then come to a stop. It’s as simple as that! But if you ignore your brakes and never have Philadelphia brake repair, a number of things can go wrong. Here are some of the things that could happen if your brakes don’t get the service they need.

Do breaks can fail?

If you let your brakes go and never tend to them, the pads and rotors could wear out and go bad, and a number of other things can break down. These things operate together as a team in order to slow your vehicle. When one or more item is no longer working, your disc brakes can fail. There aren’t many things that can go wrong in a vehicle that is scarier than failed brakes. What if you’re driving 60 down the highway? What if you see someone crossing the road in town and you can’t slow down? Having your braking system fail is one of the last things you want to happen when you’re driving.

What happens if you don’t fix brakes?

If you start to hear your brakes squeal and act up and you ignore the issue, they can still work for a while and you’ll just add brake fluid, at least somewhat, even if they don’t stop your car as fast. But the longer you wait, the more damage they can do. If you take your vehicle in right away, you might just need to replace brake pads. If you wait, the damage can continue into bigger, more expensive parts of your brakes. When you finally do go in, the problem is deep and much more costly.

In summary, what happens if your brakes fail you? Nothing good comes from ignoring your brakes. You could harm yourself, someone else, or other parts of your vehicle, which causes you higher expenses. Which option do you prefer? None of the above? In that case, make sure you get Philadelphia brake repair at the first sign of anything wrong within your braking system. In Philadelphia, you can guarantee our brake inspections are the best quality and standard for your car. Notably, in our repair facility, we rigorously check your brake rotors, brake pads and shoes, timing belts, and so forth just to assure your safety on the road.

If you’ve never dealt with brake issues on a vehicle before, you may wonder where you need to go to get them fixed. Sure, there are shops that specialize in just brakes, but it’s more convenient to visit an auto center that can also do your oil change, rotate your tires, and take care of other maintenance needs at the same time.

Call Schafer’s Auto Center at 215-755-1270 and make an appointment for Philadelphia brake repair. We run a free 80-point inspection every time you bring your vehicle in for anything at all to ensure it is running as efficiently as possible in every way. We can also do your oil change, tire rotation, filter changes, and anything else that needs to be done. There’s no need to go anywhere else for anything at all! Visit our convenient location at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148.

Everyone with a Vehicle Needs Philadelphia Auto Maintenance and Service

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Do you need Philadelphia auto maintenance and service? Let’s back up for a moment…do you own or lease a vehicle? If the answer is yes then you can also answer yes when asked whether or not you need Philadelphia auto maintenance and service. Cars take maintenance and attention! Leave them alone for long enough and see how well they work…they don’t! And they’ll cost you more too!  Here are a few maintenance and other services to keep in your car running to its full potential.

-Oil Changes

Oil changes are the most common, most frequent maintenance need on any vehicle. Every car or truck needs an oil change, but the time between oil changes can vary based on the vehicle. If you visit Schafer’s Auto Center, we can help you determine how many miles or how much time you can drive your vehicle before you need an oil change. At that time, we will drain your old oil, replace the filter, and install new oil based on the manufacturer’s recommendations. We’ll also run an 80-point inspection to make sure everything else is going well for your vehicle.

-Brake Services

You won’t need to service your brakes every oil change or even every year, but you need to keep an eye on them because they are one of the most important aspects of any vehicle. Schafer’s Auto Center has 57 years of experience servicing and repairing brakes. We can do everything from pad and rotor replacement to custom brake lines. When your brakes are in our hands, you’ll be able to stop on a dime.

-Tire Services

The more you drive, the faster your tires wear out. No matter how well you treat them, you’ll need new tires eventually. And we have a full range of tires from 13 to 30 inches. We can also service your tires between replacements by balancing them, monitoring the pressure, and aligning the vehicle to make the tires last longer.


Whenever you visit Schafer’s Auto Center, it’s nice to drive away knowing your vehicle is in top form. We do a free 80 point inspection every time you visit and we can also cover the PA state emission yearly inspection so you don’t have to worry about getting halfway down the street and breaking down.

When you need auto maintenance Philadelphia and service of any kind, call Schafer’s Auto Center at 215-755-1270 and set up an appointment for your vehicle. We’re locally owned and operated so by working with us, you’re working with members of your own community. We have a convenient location at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148, which is on one of the busiest streets in the city. We’re easy to find, friendly to speak with, and good at fixing anything on a vehicle or light truck. Trust your vehicle to us and your drives will be safe and efficient every time.

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