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February 2022

Driving Tips for New Year’s Eve

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Driving on any occasion always requires that we remain alert and focused but on New Year’s Eve, driving can prove even more hazardous than usual. This is due to many people’s celebratory drinking and partying while ringing in the new year with family and friends. If you must drive during New Year’s Eve, we want to ensure that you’re as safe and prepared as possible while out. While avoiding irresponsible drivers isn’t always possible, the way we react to these drivers makes all of the difference. If you or someone you know needs auto repair in Philadelphia, PA we are always ready to help!

Plan Ahead

Depending on your reason for travel, be sure to properly plan ahead before hitting the road for your New Year celebration. If you are planning to go to a friend or family member’s home, be sure to check the traffic and conditions of the roads prior by either watching the news or going online. If the weather is predicted to get unpleasant, be sure to give yourself an ample amount of time prior so that you can avoid it. Additionally, giving yourself a good amount of time before traveling ensures that you will not be rushing to your celebration. This is good news as rushing is a notorious cause of unnecessary accidents and collisions while out on the road.

Drive the Speed Limit

This next tip goes hand in hand with our previous suggestion to avoid rushing. Even if you are rushing, driving the speed limit should always be a rule you maintain, despite however late you may be running. Remember that even if you are late, the fact that you are traveling via vehicle ensures that you are getting to your destination in the fastest and most convenient way possible. Maintaining the proper speed limit not only ensures your own safety but others out on the road as well.

Never Drink and Drive

This almost goes without saying that you should absolutely never make the decision to drive a motor vehicle while under the effects of alcohol. Even if you only had a small glass of champagne, we highly advise against any form of buzzed driving as it poses a serious risk to others on the road and it is also illegal. Additionally, if you are with someone who has been drinking and is choosing to drive, we suggest that you prevent them from getting behind the wheel. You also should avoid getting into the vehicle with someone who is choosing to drive while intoxicated.

Avoid Distractions

When driving on New Year’s Eve we recommend avoiding any distractions while behind the wheel. Whenauto repairs in Philadelphia, PA driving we should always attempt to avoid distractions, but on New Year’s Eve the danger out on the road is heightened, so you’ll want to ensure that you remain alert and aware of your surroundings.

Driving during the holidays can be tricky as there is a greater risk of collisions and drunk driving accidents. We want you and your family to be as safe as possible this holiday season. Contact us today for auto repair in Philadelphia, PA!

How You Can Avoid A Road Rage Crash

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As drivers, we can all agree that road rage is an unpleasant experience while out on the road. Whether we are experiencing it ourselves or are on the receiving end of it, negative and aggressive energy while operating a motor vehicle is not ideal or recommended. So, while we can’t absolutely avoid how others will react, we can, however, take measures to ensure our own safety while also preventing any unnecessary collisions. Here we will walk you through our tips and suggestions for how you can best avoid a road rage crash in the future. Philadelphia auto repair is made easy with us. Contact us with any questions you may have!

Road Rage Examples

Road rage can look a number of different ways, so it’s important to notice all aspects of it when you encounter them. A typical sign that someone on the road is experiencing this rage is if they are yelling or angrily signaling with their hands and arms. Additionally, if anyone on the road is speeding, tailgating, swerving in front of other drivers, honking excessively, bumping, or ramming their vehicle into others, blocking vehicles, and slamming their brakes these are all telltale signs of road rage. If you encounter an angry driver on the road exhibiting any of these signs or attempting to exit their vehicle to begin an argument, we strongly advise that you not engage and contact the authorities.

Road Rage Accident Prevention

Avoid Assumptions

Our first tip for road rage accident prevention is that you should never make assumptions. What we mean by this is that if a driver in front of you is driving slowly, we should avoid immediately assuming why their speed is so slow. The driver could be lost, a new driver, or experiencing mechanical trouble. It’s best to stay level-headed during these situations and give others the benefit of the doubt before jumping to any hasty conclusions.

Avoid Rushing

Additionally, when out on the road you should try your best not to rush. Rushing is an easy way to get into a road rage collision, as it can be a stressful experience. To avoid this, be sure to check the traffic on your route ahead of time and allow yourself an ample amount of time for your trip.

Don’t Drive Angry

An easy way to find yourself in an unnecessary collision is choosing to drive while angry. If you are experiencing anger for any reason, we suggest waiting until you have cooled down emotionally before deciding to operate a motor vehicle. Oftentimes, when we are angry our judgment and common sense can tend to take the backseat while our emotions take over. Driving a vehicle requires that drivers remain responsible, so keep that in mind!

Don’t Use Offensive Hand Gestures

If someone on the road does something that makes you upset, avoid reacting with unnecessary and rudeAuto repair in Philadelphia, PA hand gestures. While driving can undoubtedly be a very frustrating task at times, offensive gestures and words can and oftentimes do lead to road rage incidents and confrontation. We suggest playing it safe and learning to handle your emotions in a mature and sensible way.

It is no secret that driving on the road can lead to many unpleasant emotions. We want you and your family to always remain safe while behind the wheel, so we hope that our tips and suggestions keep you safe in the future. If you need car repair in Philadelphia, PA we are only a call away!

auto repair in Philadelphia, PA

Money-Saving Driving Tips

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We all know how expensive purchasing a car can be, and, oftentimes, after this major purchase the costs don’t stop just there. From repair costs, maintenance upkeep, gas, monthly payments, and more, owning a car can eventually become a huge financial burden. We’d like to educate all auto owners on what they could be doing to save themselves a great deal of money in the long run. After becoming familiar with the provided tips and tricks, saving money while owning your vehicle will become almost second-nature. When you do need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA we are happy to lend a hand and assist you in any way that we can!

Avoid Aggressive Driving

Being an aggressive driver is a very easy way to ensure that your pockets will be emptied more frequently than most at the gas pump. This is because fast acceleration, speeding, and harsh braking are acts that all waste large amounts of fuel. We suggest that you maintain speeds between 30-55 mph in order to keep your fuel consumption under control.

Reduce Excessive Idling

Did you know that turning on your car’s ignition without moving can cause you to use up to a quarter to half gallon of gas per hour? We suggest that when you do plan on driving somewhere unfamiliar that you use resources to check the route ahead of time for any accidents or traffic. While it may seem like a nuisance in the beginning, planning your journey out on the road ahead of time will save you so much more money in the long run!

Use the Right Motor Oil

One of the best things you can have on hand if you own a car is your owner’s manual. While many probably disregard it, the owner’s manual contains a plethora of useful information pertaining to your vehicle’s exact model. Included among all of the information in the manual is the preferred type of motor oil that is best for your vehicle. Unfortunately, using the wrong motor oil in your vehicle can end up costing you money. This is because motor oil that is not meant for your vehicle can increase friction in your car’s engine and use up your fuel by 1-2 percent.

Be Mindful of AC Usage

In the days of the hot summer months, it can be easy to go crazy with the AC in your vehicle. While there are times when turning on the air conditioning is necessary, we recommend using the windows whenever it is possible. If you are someone who relies heavily on the air conditioning, allow your car to cool significantly with the windows rolled down once you start your car and then turn on the AC a few minutes later so that your consumption is not repairs in Philadelphia, PA Air conditioning increases fuel consumption by up to 10%, so we recommend using it wisely!

With all of these new tips and suggestions you will undoubtedly be on the road to saving yourself large amounts of money in the long run! It is unavoidable that owning a vehicle will cost you money every now and then, but this does not mean that it has to break your bank. Auto repair in Philadelphia, PA is available from us, so contact us today!

auto repairs in Philadelphia, PA

Should I Inflate My Tires in Cold Weather?

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Whether you love or hate the wintertime, it is worth noting that this season comes with a lot of hurdles for vehicles and their maintenance. While the winter elements are known to cause damage to vehicles, many people are unaware of these low temperature’s effects on the pressure of your car’s tires. As the temperatures dip, so will your tire pressure, so it is vital that we understand the signs to look for and know when and how to inflate them properly. When looking for auto repair in Philadelphia, PA we are more than happy to help you out! Fortunately, checking your tires is a task that can be easily done at home, so no trip to the shop should be required!

The Science Behind It

If you are curious as to why cold temperatures have such an effect on your tire pressure, then allow us to break it down! As the temperatures drop, the molecules in the air begin to move slower and gather together. It’s important to note that low tire pressure can lead to increased stopping time, poor fuel economy, and decreased lifespan of your tires.

How to Check Tire Pressure

When your tire pressure is a little low, this is not something that is easily noticeable with just a glance. To err on the side of caution, we recommend doing a check on your tire pressure whenever you find yourself at the gas station and whenever your dashboard light indicates.

1. Find your Ideal Pressure

You know that owner manual that your vehicle came with, turns out it is much more important than you may have realized! Be sure to dig it out of wherever you may have tossed it and consult it to find out what your recommended tire pressure is for your specific vehicle! In general, recommended tire pressure falls somewhere between 30-35 PSI. If you are still unsure, then you can always get your hands on a tire pressure tool!

2. Check Your Pressure Before Driving

While it may be a bit of a nuisance, we highly suggest that before taking your car out onto the road that you do a check of the pressure to ensure your safety behind the wheel. Be sure that the pressure is up to the recommended or suggested pressure included in your owner’s manual.

3. Break Out the Tire Pressure Gauge

These are widely available at most stores, with the most popular being the “pencil” style gauges. If you want a product with a little more credibility, then you can grab a digital tire pressure gauge, however, it may cost you a little more.

4. Unscrew the Valve Stem

Take a good look at your wheel and be sure to unscrew the little cap on the valve stem.

5. Attach the Gauge to the Valve Stem

This step is as simple as it sounds, simply attach the gauge to the stem and wait for the pressure reading. If you do hear a hissing sound after you’ve attached the gauge, then it is most likely not attached properly, so be sure to readjust! After you are finished checking the pressure, replace the cap and you are good to go.

6. Inflate Your Tires if Neededauto repair in Philadelphia, PA

If you do find that your pressure is low, then we recommend finding the nearest air pump to provide your tires with its recommended pressure.

Hopefully these tips and tricks make your winter a lot smoother and stress-free. If you do find that you need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA do not hesitate to reach out!

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