Pointers On Keeping Track Of Oil Changes

It can be hard to keep track of everything you have going on in life, especially when your kids take up yet another activity that you have to add to the calendar. In order to get to everything you need to get to, you need a reliable vehicle and that…

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What To Do When A Car Breaks Down

No driver really wants their car to break down and need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, but it happens to most people at some time or another. When you find yourself on the side of the road, in need of help with your car, what can you do? Here are…

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Things That Happen When You Ignore Auto Repair

There are some things you just don’t want to ignore…your child crying out in the middle of the night, for example. The broken window in your bedroom, and so on. Another thing you don’t want to ignore is your car’s need for auto repair in Philadelphia, PA. Whether you hear…

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Why Is Tire Rotation Important To Auto Repair?

There are a lot of things you will need to do to your vehicle over the years. It’s important to keep track of when you need an oil change or other maintenance and auto repair in Philadelphia, PA. You know you are supposed to rotate the tires on your vehicle…

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With the automotive business coming into the 21st century Schafer’s moved up to a full complete service repair center, ranging in everything from oil changes and tire repairs to full advanced diagnostics and engine repairs, as well as maintenance in every category, since opening the current location in 2002 the business has been at the forefront of the automotive repair field constantly changing and updating to meet the standards of today’s cars and although faces have changed, and people come and go this family owned and operated business is set out to achieve the best level of custom service and satisfaction possible.

Schafer’s Auto Center

1924 S Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19148

(215) 755-1270


Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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Schafer's Auto Center