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Road Trip Essentials: A Car Checklist Before Going on a Road Trip

By January 10, 2022Auto Repair
auto repairs in Philadelphia, PA

Are you planning a road trip soon? If so, make sure you pack everything you need! A car checklist before road trip is essential to ensure that you don’t forget anything important. This blog post will provide a list of items that you should bring with you on your road trip. From snacks to car chargers, we will cover it all! So, what are you waiting for? Start packing and get ready for an adventure!

Road trips are exciting, so it’s very common and easy to overlook things that should have been brought along or planned out ahead of time. When embarking for prolonged travel in your vehicle, there are many items that you should have on hand in case of any mechanical mishaps as well as precautions to take to ensure that your car is as fit as possible for the trip. While out on the road and so far away from what’s familiar, these precautions can turn out to be a lifesaver in the end. When looking for auto repair in Philadelphia, PA we are dedicated to getting you back on the road.

Why Go On a Road Trip?

There are many reasons you might choose to go on a road trip. Maybe you want to see the country and all its beauty from behind the wheel. Or maybe there’s a special place that you’ve always wanted to visit and it’s only accessible by car. Road trips can also be great opportunities for family bonding. No matter what your reasons are, there are a few things you should do to make sure your car is ready for the journey.

Primary Road Trip Essentials

Change Oil and Filters

Road trips mean more miles on your car, and extra miles on your car means that your engine and vehicle should be in tip-top performance. The oil in your car is essential for the health of the engine, so there’s no reason it should be ignored. Taking a road trip in a car desperate for an oil change can mean disaster. The filters also go hand in hand with your engine’s performance as well, as it blocks debris and unwanted sediment.

Check Your Tire Pressure

This is a very simple yet very crucial step to take before you hit the road. Ensure that your tire pressure is where it should be and check for tread as well. Traveling long distances with poor tires endangers not only yourself but passengers and others on the road.

Check Your Lights

This means ALL of your vehicle’s lights. Make sure that your brake lights are functional, as well as your turning signals and headlights. Additionally, if there are any warning lights on your dashboard that you’ve been stubbornly avoiding, it’s definitely a good idea to get it resolved before your trip. It goes without saying that faulty lights can lead to unexpected accidents and crashes. Furthermore, you vehicle can flat out stop working properly if its warning lights are ignored. Be proactive and make sure you and your passengers are safe before you hit the road.


It may sound old-fashioned, but it won’t be so silly when your phone dies. Do not solely rely on your electronics for directions, be prepared and have an actual map of the area on hand. There is no such thing as being over prepared, or is there? Either way, err on the side of caution and pack that map!

Phone Charger

To prevent having to use an old-fashioned map to navigate during your road trip, make sure that you bring a couple of phone chargers! While people have navigated just fine without phones in the past, having a charged phone is too outrageously convenient to ignore.

First Aid Kit

Accidents happen, and you don’t want to be caught without a first aid kit. Make sure that your car is stocked with supplies in case of any emergencies that may arise while on the road.

Flashlight with Extra Batteries

It’s always a good idea to have a flashlight in your car, especially if you find yourself driving at night. Make sure that the batteries are fresh and pack an extra set just in case.

Bring Some Water

Since water has many uses while on the road, it’s always a good idea to bring some with you. You can drink it, use it to clean up messes, put out car fires, and water can even be consumed if you are stuck in a barren place. A gallon of water will be the minimum but nothing hurts if you bring more.

Secondary Road Trip Essentials

Road Trip Essentials

Non Perishable Snacks

It’s always a good idea to have some snacks in your car, especially if you are going on a road trip. Make sure that the snacks you bring don’t require refrigeration and that they won’t go bad quickly. This is also a great way to avoid eating unhealthy foods while on the road.

Tissues and Wet Wipes

Tissues and wet wipes are always a necessity, especially if you have children with you. You can use the tissues to blow your nose or to clean up messes, and the wet wipes can be used for everything from cleaning your hands to wiping down the car seats.

Swiss Army Knife or Any Multipurpose Tools

A Swiss Army knife or any other type of multipurpose tool can come in handy while on a road trip. These tools can be used for everything from opening cans to tightening screws.

Sunscreen and Hats

It’s important to protect your skin from the sun while on a road trip, especially if you are going to be driving for long periods of time. Make sure to pack sunscreen and hats to help keep you safe from the sun’s harmful rays.


You never know when you have to spend time sleeping in your car or if the car you are driving has a cold air conditioner, so it’s always a good idea to pack a blanket.

 Road tripping is a unique experience that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy. So long as your car is maintained and you are properly prepared ahead of time, you can plan your first road trip anytime you want! Whenever you need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA Schafer’s Auto Center is available anytime. Give us a call at (215) 755-1270.

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