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Driving Safely Around Schools

By December 16, 2019Auto Repair
auto repair Philadelphia

If there’s one place in your regular commute that you want to drive safely, it’s around the local school. It’s never great to get in an accident, but if that accident involves a child, things feel exponentially worse. The first thing you need to do is ensure that your vehicle is in good shape – and this might require Philadelphia, PA auto repair. Use the following tips to drive as safely as possible around schools, whether you’re dropping of a child of your own or you just have to drive by on the way to work.

Obey Speed Limits

It’s hard to slow down when you’re in a rush to get your kids to school or to get to the office yourself. But the speed limits around schools are posted for a reason. You never know when a kid’s going to dart out, late themselves, and if you are driving slowly enough, you can react and prevent disaster. Speed limits in that area may be different when school is in session versus other times of the day so watch the signs with care.

Keep Headlights On

Most modern cars have headlights that stay on at all times, but if yours doesn’t, put them on when you are around the school. There’s a better chance that you will be seen and that you will see others when headlights are involved.

Never Drive Distracted

It’s tempting to look at that text message, sing along to the radio, and think about everything you have going on that day, but around the school, let everything else slide away and simply concentrate on what you are doing. You need to keep distractions at bay so you are ready to react to whatever might happen around you.

Communicate With Others Well

You might not always use your turn signal, but around a school, make sure other drivers know what you are trying to do. If you are slowing to let a child hop out, put on your hazards so people know what’s going on. Don’t assume others know you are turning. Put that blinker on with plenty of notice.

Get Auto Repair When Needed

You certainly don’t want your car to overheat in the school drop-off line and you don’t want the brakes to fail when a kid runs out in front of you. Keep your car in good working order with checkups, maintenance, and repairs as needed. Be regular with your oil changes and get everything else checked out at the same time.

When you need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, of if you want more safe driving tips for the school areas in your neighborhood, contact the professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center. We’re here to help you keep your vehicle as safe as possible. Contact us at (215) 755-1270 and we’ll answer questions by phone or set up a time for you to come in and get a maintenance checkup as soon as possible. You can find us at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148. We’re here to help keep things working efficiently and effectively for anywhere you need to drive each and every day, even around the schools.

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