While you might get some time off from work in the summer, and the kids definitely get plenty of time off from school, your vehicle gets less than no time off. In fact, it might be in overdrive because of vacations and other activities. The warmer months can be a challenge for any car, and you’ll need to pay special attention to auto repair in Philadelphia, PA so you can keep things running smoothly. Here are a few tips to help you keep your vehicle in shape throughout the summer months.

Tip 1: Check Out The Coolant System

Staying cool in the car is of utmost importance as the temperature rises. Check coolant fluids in the vehicle every now and then and watch for leaks in hoses and among joints. On your own, you can squeeze hoses once the engine cools down to see that they are firm and not squishy and soft. If you notice the car feeling humid and warm way too often, get the car in for auto repairs before you’re sweating up a storm.

Tip 2: Change Wipers

Your wipers may have gone through a lot during the winter and spring so it’s a good time to get new wipers to prevent streaks. You may not see much rain, but you will probably hit a lot of bugs on the highway and it’s good to have new wipers that won’t streak as much. Replacing wipers is cheap and easy to do.

Tip 3: Keep An Eye On Tire Pressure

Tires are something to keep an eye on all year, but in the summer, when you’re about to take a long road trip, you really need to know what’s going on. Check their pressure often to ensure they are at the optimum level. Keep in mind that tire pressure can change with temperatures, but if you notice one tire changing faster than the others, it may have a slow leak. Watch for nails and other items in the road that can have a negative impact on your tires during this building season. And ensure that the tread isn’t too low, too.

Tip 4: Get The Fluids Checked

When you take your vehicle in for an oil change and tire rotation, have the other fluids checked and topped off, if necessary. Technicians can check everything from power-steering to windshield wiper fluids. These are liquids that never stop being used and you need to make sure you don’t run out at a bad time.

These are just a few tips to help you get by with the right auto repair in Philadelphia, PA over the summer months. If you need more advice, or you want to make an appointment for a tune-up, contact the professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center at (215) 755-1270. We’re here to help with any auto questions you have. You can stop into our shop as well at 1924 S Columbus Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19148 and the SAR representatives will get your vehicle back on the road in safe driving conditions.

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With the automotive business coming into the 21st century Schafer’s moved up to a full complete service repair center, ranging in everything from oil changes and tire repairs to full advanced diagnostics and engine repairs, as well as maintenance in every category, since opening the current location in 2002 the business has been at the forefront of the automotive repair field constantly changing and updating to meet the standards of today’s cars and although faces have changed, and people come and go this family owned and operated business is set out to achieve the best level of custom service and satisfaction possible.

Schafer’s Auto Center

1924 S Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19148

(215) 755-1270


Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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Schafer's Auto Center