Philadelphia Transmission Repair
Tips for Saving Money on Transmission Repair inPhiladelphia, PA

If you hear a mechanic say that your transmission is having problems, no doubt you felt a little anxious at the idea of paying for an expensive repair bill. Fortunately, not all types of transmission repairs are expensive. Certain services can help you maintain the quality of the transmission so that you can avoid the expensive costs in the future.
A good mechanic in Philadelphia, PA, will help you fix the problem and hopefully, save a little money on the long-term upkeep of your vehicle. Here at Schafer’s Auto Center, our goal is to help you maintain a high-performing vehicle and save money at the same time. We are always looking for ways to build a relationship of trust with each customer that comes through our front door.
When Should You Call a Transmission Repair Expert?
How do you know that your transmission is having problems? There are several signs that might indicate that you need to take your car in for repairs. Pay attention to the way the car is handling on the road when you are driving around town. The most critical time that impacts the transmission is when the car is shifting gears as you are accelerating or decelerating.
As you push on the gas pedal, do you notice that the car jumps or jolts suddenly forward? Or you might push on the pedal and see that the vehicle isn’t responsive to pick up speed. Also, pay attention to the sound of the transmission as it is shifting gears. If you hear an unusual sound, you should call your mechanic as soon as possible.
Look at the cement under your car parking spot. Are there any puddlings or dripped fluids? Keep in mind that if you do see leaked fluid, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is from your transmission. You can identify the leak by checking the color of the fluid. Place a piece of cardboard under your car when it is parked for a few hours to see the fluid color.
Transmission fluid is usually red or green. You can also take the cardboard piece into your mechanic to show the fluid that was leaking from the vehicle.
How much will You Pay for Transmission Repair?
The type of transmission service you need will affect the cost of your repair bill. When auto problems are identified in the early stages, you will usually have a cheaper repair bill compared to finding the problem in later stages.
For example, you might take the car in to find out that there is a small leak that needs to be repaired. By fixing this now at a lower cost, you have significantly improved your chances of paying several thousand dollars for a more extensive repair in the future.
Sometimes, preventive maintenance can be helpful, even if there is nothing wrong with the car. Check the manufacturer’s mileage threshold recommendations for a transmission flush, which can clean out the transmission to avoid potential damage.
If it is suggested that you need to rebuild the entire transmission, you may want to compare the value of the car to the cost of the repair services required. In older or high mileage vehicles, the car might not be worth the money to repair. You might choose to put that money toward a newer car instead.
High-Quality Repair Services for Your Car
Anytime you suspect that there might be something wrong with your vehicle, it is important that you schedule a mechanical inspection. Diagnostics can help identify the affected parts that are causing the car to have problems. Even if the issues seem small right now, they can lead to bigger problems if you aren’t proactive with maintenance and repairs for the vehicle.
Small transmission issues, such as a leak, can be repaired at a low cost. As a result, you can protect the quality of your car and avoid the expense of paying for a full transmission rebuild in the future. Don’t wait until the entire transmission fails! Instead, take the car in to see if a small repair can fix the problem before it becomes catastrophic.
Find a Mechanic that You Can Trust
Regardless of the type of car repair that needs to be done, it is important that you are working with a mechanic that you can trust. At Schafer’s Auto Center, we’ve worked hard to build a solid reputation for quality auto care. Customer satisfaction is a high priority in everything that we do. We invite you to talk to our team to see why we stand out from the competition.
When you are ready to learn more about transmission repair, call us at Schafer’s Auto Center for more information. You can bring your car to 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148. Call ahead to ask questions about your car and schedule at time for our mechanics to take care of your repairs: (215) 755-1270