You likely rely on your vehicle to get you places on a daily basis. You might take its health for granted…until something goes wrong. When you see that check engine light go on and you think you might need auto repair in Philadelphia, PA, you groan. Keep in mind that cars are more powerful, get better gas mileage, and have better technology now than every before. That also means that your car is more complicated than past cars were. Computer systems are faster and more accurate within your vehicle. Parts, just like on anything else, can wear out. Your car is trying to let you know that something is going wrong within it when the check engine light comes on, even if it feels like it is driving just fine. Continuing on with your week and ignoring that light isn’t a good idea.

It’s never recommended to drive with a check engine light on or flashing. You don’t know if it’s a malfunction within the light, a fluke, or if something’s really wrong. If you’re not a car expert, you won’t know until you have someone look at it. It’s in your best interest to make an appointment as soon as possible to have the issue, whatever it might be, diagnosed and repaired.

Take a look at your owner’s manual to see what possibilities there are for the check engine light to be on. Some vehicles can turn on that light if, for example, the gas cap is loose or hasn’t been fully clicked into place. You certainly don’t want to waste time (and possibly money on diagnostics) for something you could fix so easily yourself. Before you run to professionals, check the little things of that nature and once you’re sure that’s not helping, you definitely need to get help.

Before something goes really wrong, that check engine light will warn you. Ignoring it means you’re getting closer and closer to something going really wrong. Ignoring the light is like playing with time. You know something could go wrong at any minute and the more you drive your vehicle, the closer you are to that minute.

The professionals at Schafer’s Auto Center take pride in auto repair in Philadelphia, PA of any kind. When you need an oil change (which is one reason the check engine light might go on, by the way) or if you need new tires, we’re here for you. If you have a check engine light or another warning on your dash, we can diagnose and fix that for you as well. Give us a call at (215) 755-1270, tell us what’s going on with your vehicle and when you’d like to bring it to us for repairs or maintenance. Then, stop by our shop at 1924 S Columbus Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19148 and we’ll give you the fastest service possible so you can go about your day with a safe vehicle back in working order without any more warning lights on.

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With the automotive business coming into the 21st century Schafer’s moved up to a full complete service repair center, ranging in everything from oil changes and tire repairs to full advanced diagnostics and engine repairs, as well as maintenance in every category, since opening the current location in 2002 the business has been at the forefront of the automotive repair field constantly changing and updating to meet the standards of today’s cars and although faces have changed, and people come and go this family owned and operated business is set out to achieve the best level of custom service and satisfaction possible.

Schafer’s Auto Center

1924 S Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19148

(215) 755-1270

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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Schafer's Auto Center