Running a Successful Auto Repair Shop: Best Practices

In the competitive landscape of Philadelphia, PA, auto repair, running a successful auto repair shop requires more than technical expertise. Surprisingly, it's the implementation of best practices that set apart thriving businesses. Let's explore these surprising secrets to success. Firstly, streamline operations. Embrace technology and software to automate and simplify…

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Is Regular Vehicle Maintenance Really Necessary?

In the bustling city of Philadelphia, PA, auto repair shops are numerous, each asserting the importance of regular vehicle maintenance. However, you might ask, "Is regular vehicle maintenance necessary?" The surprising answer is a resounding yes, and here's why. Let's kick off with improved performance. Picture this: your car running…

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The Importance of Vehicle Inspections

Regarding vehicle maintenance in Philadelphia, PA, auto services, such as regular inspections, often take the back seat. You might understand the need for oil changes, tire rotations, and brake checks, but do you realize the surprising benefits of regular vehicle inspections? Let's look at how these essential check-ups, done by…

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Schafer's Auto Center in Philadelphia, PA

With the automotive business coming into the 21st century Schafer’s moved up to a full complete service repair center, ranging in everything from oil changes and tire repairs to full advanced diagnostics and engine repairs, as well as maintenance in every category, since opening the current location in 2002 the business has been at the forefront of the automotive repair field constantly changing and updating to meet the standards of today’s cars and although faces have changed, and people come and go this family owned and operated business is set out to achieve the best level of custom service and satisfaction possible.

Schafer’s Auto Center

1924 S Columbus Blvd
Philadelphia, PA 19148

(215) 755-1270

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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Schafer's Auto Center